A lesson on Zen

STEP 1: THE CHALLENGE: Last weekend my law schools bests and I married off the first of our lady pack. After dancing the night away, drinking too much wine and, for the second time this season, finding myself in a small snafu with a canoe, I was presented with the challenge: state one good thing you like about Michigan everyday. (Everyday is pushing it… Reen). The lovely lady pack has been listening to me bitch. Usually, I am the one preaching about the bright side and finding the good in all situations.

STEP 2: ACCEPTED: So last night  after 4 long weeks, I FINALLY made it back to the mat testing out my first yoga studio. Ironically enough the class was focussed on expectations. More precisely, on managing your expectations and how they can affect the ability to be mindful.  As any good yogi knows, mindfulness is a cornerstone of the practice. It is the idea of being centered, more specifically of focussing your energy in the present; the only part in which you can actively change.

Expectations remove us from our current state and force us to live in another time; whether it be dwelling on something we cannot change to worrying about things yet to come. The purpose of her speech was to say that expectations for the future can serve to let you down and its better to approach things with a clear mind.

While I thought I had a clear mind and heart going into this journey; that I would approach taking on the mid-west like any adventure, new things to see and people to meet. Really, it has just been a series of expectations: What I expected my new non-school life would be like, where I thought I would living and with who, etc. etc. In a new light, I am going to now allow any expectation I have made to let me down.

So I am taking the challenge and looking to the positives.

NUMBER ONE:  The amount of things you can get for free when you are new. (yoga and & trial membership)

with love & renewed energy


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