The Kindness of Strangers

The smallest of notes for the simplest of gestures.

I have prided myself for the duration of my life on being as nice as I can as often as I can. In fact, I have more than once been accused of being too nice (now don’t get me wrong, i did offer to “clothesline a bitch” for a friend last week but thats another tale)

More to the point, I’ve only been in this spot 2 months so i’m still in the getting to know the people and the how to get from A to B without a map phase. Today, I walked into the gym and the girl at the desk loudly yelled, “Hey Margaux!! hows your Tuesday?!”

Now, i’ve been to this gym twice in 2 weeks.  I was so taken aback that someone knew my name that when I looked up visibly surprised, they all stared at me as if asking why i didn’t just answer the question…


So, thats what life brought to me today: this smallest of gestures just made my entire day. Don’t underestimate the power of simple kind gestures and make every effort to work them into you ever day. It means a lot to people.  So to the desk clerk at my gym, you may not know it but you brightened my entire day. For that small gesture, I am grateful.

We all could benefit from taking that gratefulness and carrying it with us so that we may pass it along.


and this deer because google thought I should see it and I think you should too)



With love,