Gettin’ in with the mitten

Nothing helps you settle in like some local sports action… Although I didn’t mean to do them all in one weekend.  Here is the quick tour of Michigan’s finest sporting events!

From my 1st michigan Tailgate (Sorry Blue, Go Irish). Where I learned if you happen to get lost looking for your tailgate and ask a man for a bottle opener, you will also be offered the week’s mystery shot served in what else but…. a mitten.


To my first actual Michigan game: When its Akron, people stop caring so they just give you their tickets…. then the game comes down to literally the last 5 seconds on the 1 yd line. Whew!


And my first trip to Detroit to see the Tigers!1236667_828891682757_494841981_nimage-1

Where I also encountered this man: Dude was TEARING IT UP on a symbol and a paint bucket. He was phenomenal!!


I promise I’ll try to write more often.
